
So, the one from the tutorial that I actually wanted. And I played with it in Photoshop, because I love contrasts. Might have gone a bit over the top at this one, it's easy to get blind to changes after mixing with a picture to long. But for as long as I let it stay here, and not switch it out if I find it to colour-crazy, it is an example of what you can change in your pictures.

After some more playtime in Photoshop and opinions from a friend I removed some of the sticks pointing up in the picture, with Photoshops content-aware fill tool, which is making me geek out totally. It is really awesome and even thought it's not perfect, it is way better than using the clone stamp or similar tools. I'll share a link to a nice tutorial for said tool, and post the new picture up for you, so you can test yourself and see if you can find the missing sticks.

Content aware filling tutorial


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